Simple pricing for your needs

More detail about our pricing

Free revenue potential assessment

The first step in our process is to assess your revenue potential given existing assets. 

We ask for some basic details, and in return give you a report of your potential. You will be set up with a login and be able to access some basic training courses and get access to our insights and thought pieces.

We will also support your Net Zero journey by offering a Pathfinder assessment. This is a tool that has been developed by Wales & West Utilities for Net Zero Planning. 


We want to enable energy and flexibility trading for all and hence this is free of charge for a basic service. 

For large portfolios and complex sites, and Net Zero Planning consultancy services, please email:

Monitoring and profiling

Once you have made a decision to get energy and flexibility trading, we will need to install smart gateways and monitoring equipment. 

This will determine your loads and profiles ready for trading.


This is part of our RPA. So, get started and send us your enquiry. Where data does not exist, we can support in implementing metering that is suitable for future trading.

Optimised and Trading enabled

Once your load profile has been established, you can now connect into our trading portal. Here. we will optimise your site before considering any surplus to be traded.


Our gateways will collect data about your assets for baselining and monitoring. We will also send a signal to control assets based either on energy prices or signals from a Distribution Network Operator.

We can add additional data services to these gateways at your discretion. However, we will never create a situation in which you are paying more for a service, than the value gained.  

This cost will come off the initial revenues from trading, ensuring that you do not pay for more than what you need. Should trading not be taken up, the cost of the gateway installations will apply. 


Once you’re ready to energy trade, we handle the trading and settlement for you. We have access into multiple markets, and will have optimised your sites and building portfolios to trade for maximum carbon and financial returns. 


The costs of trading are based on a percentage of net trading revenues which are between 5 to 25% depending on the initial set-up costs and reveiwed annually. 

The costs of any installation will be recovered through these revenues. This makes us one of the best value trading platforms money can buy. 

This means the more we can trade for you, the more revenues we get, and so we are all incentivised to trade.

Additional services

Carbon footprinting

The net zero report will identify the opportunities under various electrification scenarios. And, the more we electrify, the greater the operational costs, which is why we advocate energy trading to supplement an income. A basic report is valued at £2,500 ex VAT.

Pathway to Net Zero

We’ve been building on and refining a tool that predicts your pathway to Net Zero under different electrification scenarios. Your free RPA gives us some insights into your energy and profile. We can use this data and define that pathway for you using our Pathfinder Lite ™ tool. This tool will give you the options to develop new assets under our development company and find funding for this.

Data services

Additional data services are available for interested parties in relation to carbon intensity, energy pricing and energy markets.

Get in touch with us

We’re standing by to discuss your energy saving,
money making potential and to empower you to
start trading. Don’t hesitate to reach out.