Blaenau Gwent Net Zero Energy Business Parks


BankEnergi has been awarded the delivery of ‘BlaZE’- Blaenau Gwent Net Zero Energy business parks by the Welsh Government and Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. This is a 12-month project to design and deliver a viable energy trading solution for business parks in the region and to bring them closer to the Path to Net […]

BankEnergi – Phase II Progress


Following the successful completion of the first phase of the BankEnergi project funded through PfER, the team is continuing to refine the BankEnergi concept.

Simon Hughes supports BankEnergi ideals

Simon Hughes gave the keynote address at a workshop to share progress on BankEnergi, held at London South Bank University on Tuesday. Noting that the project aims to facilitate the growth of a local energy community on the South Bank, he observed “When local people share energy assets, such as in a district heating scheme, […]

World Environment Day targets Air Pollution

This year’s World Environment Day (WED) organised by the United Nations Environment Programme has Air Pollution as its theme. Globally, 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air, according to WHO, the World Health Organisation, and each year there are as many as 4.2 million premature deaths from air pollution. But it’s not just a […]

New Power highlights BankEnergi’s Innovation

BankEnergi has been singled out as one of the projects to watch that are funded by the Government’s Prospering from the Energy Revolution (PFER) initiative. New Power, in its May 2019 edition, notes that getting new smart energy projects out of the starting gate and crossing the gulf between research & development and commercial rollout […]

Zero emissions by 2050 – BankEnergi can help

There’s been a lot of discussion about the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) strong recommendation today that the UK can and should end its contribution to global warming within 30 years by setting an ambitious new target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The CCC notes that the global average temperature […]

The BankEnergi Vision: Energy Storage


BankEnergi has a vision that businesses and residents on the South Bank will be able to achieve bankable energy and carbon savings through a combination of demand management, energy storage, renewables and peer to peer trading. So where does Energy Storage fit in the merit order? There’s no point investing in storing energy if you […]